the tale of genji discussion questions

There is a suggestion on the table to pass the responsibility around among us for the facilitation role and also to combine some chapters to say 3 a week - and then the facilitator would summarize and perhaps choose ONE topic from the chapters to discuss. The Tale of Genji - Chapter One - The Paulownia Court. But he summoned several of the priests and asked them to do whatever could still be done. The text says, “… He had succumbed to the abyss of his sorrow.”Ironically she died while he was speaking to her. Themes in the Tale • poetry • emotionalism • Buddhism • beauty • China, Korea, Japan • relatives and reins of power • concerns of the court Questions to consider 1) What do we know about the author of The Tale of Genji? "Umegae" is the title of the saibara song sung at the festive gathering by one of Tô no Chûjô's sons. [7:25]  Okasan: and she also knew that her son was not in a favored position politically[7:25]  Chandra Vita: She died at a very young age. What a delicious challenge... he has not learned THAT much. Genji turns his attention to the young Murasaki by abruptly changing the nature of their relationship to a sexual one. This chapter says about Yugiri , a gentle man faithfull to his wife. She is a target for His Eminence's affections. Genji and Tô no Chûjô renew their friendship, which had been somewhat spoiled by rivalry over the past few years. Attendees included Okasan, Pomona, Kati, Anisa, Veritas and Lysandra (White Tiger). Light murasaki is associated with affections of the heart. In this participants burned combinations of 5 primary scents from 25 different packets, each marked with a unique symbol. It was about the time of the Kamo festival; when he came in she was having a nap. 12 - so just a little boy really[7:34]  Pomona Writer: I had trouble finding the complete text to read this book. The Imperial Family and the powerful Fujiwara Clan were the powerful rulers of Japan at this time. [8:06]  Chandra Vita: Perhaps this is a good point to end on. We have seen in Chapters 1 (The Paulownia Court) and 2 (The Broom Tree) that Genji is the beautiful love-child of the Emperor and a lower ranked lady. This chapter is named “makibashira” because Higekuro’s daughter leaves behind a poem tucked away in a pillar as she leaves her home.This chapter begins in the eleventh month of the same year as the previous chapter, and covers roughly the twelve succeeding months. Children and women are easy prey unless protected. Yugiri replied: "It is too late to do so. I thought it had just taken me a while to get it. He sees “how dangerous these adventures can be.”. Persuaded by his father, the Minister (To-no-Chujo), and strongly invited by Genji himself, he set out. From childhood, Genji is seen as an extraordinarily beautiful and lovable child. The chart is at   It's still confusing! Pomona Writer: when did this take place, in modern times?Chandra: No I think in the Edo time and continued for centuries. As the result of many a despondency the Third Princess runs off to become a nun.This pushed Kashiwagi nearer death and he eventually passes away. The author introduces the theme of "the hidden flower" — the sweet and accomplished maiden tucked away in an unexpected place. He continues having affairs with court women, even an old woman named Naishi. This only serves to more deeply anger the Kokiden consort, who had been passed over by the emperor for Fujitsubo when the child was born. Of course none of these except for Genji realizes the truth. The description of Higekuro's first wife leaving her husband in a jealous fit, and the suffering of the children, was deeply moving. So (my comment) -– in some ways, the height of the Heian society in literature and polite society was also the beginning of the end for the aristocracy. [7:21]  Kati Palen: That makes sense given how long ago it was started[7:22]  Pomona Writer: It was written over a long period of time.

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